SCSAE Scholarship Program

The SCSAE Education Fund was established in 1998 to assist in continuing education to its members. The Scholarship guidelines have been approved by the SCSAE Board of Directors and they will govern the decisions of the Scholarship Committee.

The deadline for the 2024 Scholarship has passed. Stay tuned for 2025 information to be announced. 


SCSAE sponsored continuing education programs have top priority for any available funds. The board, upon a majority vote, may allocate scholarship funds to cover expenses related to SCSAE sponsored programs. No prior committee approval is required for the expenditure of funds for SCSAE-sponsored programs.

In selecting SCSAE Education Fund Scholarship recipients, the Scholarship Committee will consider the following:

Applicant’s participation in SCSAE activities

  • One year minimum membership
  • Attendance at Society activities
  • Participation in Society seminars or education programs

Applicant’s contribution to their association and/or company

  • Developed innovative programs
  • Participation in employer’s professional development programs

Applicant’s history of receiving scholarships

  • SCSAE Scholarship
  • Other association management scholarships

Applicant’s demonstration of a financial need for scholarship.


The South Carolina Society of Association Executives Scholarship Committee will consider requests for scholarship assistance for:

  • The Institute for Organizational Management
  • Preparation for the CAE or CMP designations
  • Association management seminars or workshops
  • SCSAE annual conference and continuing education programs
  • First-time attendance at the ASAE annual convention or initial scholarship request for attendance to the ASAE annual convention.

The registration fee for prior attendees for ASAE annual convention when related to CAE renewal or preparation.

Any other program deemed appropriate by the committee, with prior approval from the board.


Our associate members are valuable assets to SCSAE, and their continuing education is important. The Committee may allocate up to $1,000 in scholarships for associate members who are seeking certification in meetings management or another bona fide program.

SCSAE is not required to award any scholarship in any given year.

Donate to the SCSAE Education Fund!

Click here to donate to the SCSAE Education Fund.